Motorsport Insurance Claim Form

You must report the incident likely to give rise to a claim within 48 hours of the finish of the insured event. You must also supply all of the documentation we ask for as soon as possible after the notification of the incident.

For our full claims reporting requirements please refer to your policy wording.

    Section 1 of 4: Driver details

    Team name:

    Driver's name:




    Contact number:

    Policy number:

    Preferred method of contact:

    Section 2 of 4: Accident details

    Date of accident:

    Time of accident:


    Name of circuit:

    Was your driver hurt?:


    Did the driver receive medical attention?:


    Will the driver be able to race within the next 14 days?:


    The accident happened during:

    Weather conditions/Track surface:

    Full details of accident:

    Section 3 of 4: Driver Details

    Type of formula/class:

    If other please specifiy:

    Parts damaged:


    Estimated damage:

    Section 4 of 4: Driver Details

    Please advise us of the current whereabouts of this vehicle in case we wish to carry out an inspection: